Alabama’s fifth severe weather preparedness sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday, Feb. 26, 2016, and ends at midnight, Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016, allowing Alabama shoppers to stock up tax free on common supplies costing less than $60 that every home and business needs to prepare for a natural disaster or even a general emergency.Generators costing $1,000 or less also can be purchased free of the state’s four-percent sales tax during the three-day tax holiday. Alabama’s local governments have until Jan. 26, 2016, to notify the Alabama Department of Revenue if they will also waive their sales taxes on the covered items.
- Quick Reference for Tax Free and Taxed Items during the February Sales Tax Holiday
A handy reference to print out and place beside cash registers, post in stores, compare to your shopping list or use as a reference while shopping.
- 2016 Participating Cities and Counties
- Promotional Poster for Retailers ( 8.5 x 11 print quality)
For retailers to download and use to promote the sales tax holiday in their stores
Read about Alabama’s back-to-school sales tax holiday