Back by popular demand...The Sanders family returns to the Ritz for this heart warming, toe tapping Bluegrass Comedy!
Smoke on the Mountain tells the story of a Saturday Night Gospel Sing at a country church in North Carolina's Smoky Mountains in 1938. The show features two dozen rousing bluegrass songs played and sung by the Sanders Family, a traveling group making its return to performing after a five-year hiatus.
Friday Feb 5, 2016
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM CST
Historic Ritz Theatre
310 Wall Street
Gadsden, AL 35904
Tickets are $14 Adults, $12 Students/Seniors/Military
Groups of 10 or more may purchase tickets for the special rate of $10 each
*Advance tickets are encourage and may be purchased on
Theatre of Gadsden, (256) 547-7469