CDG Engineers & Associates, Inc. - Gadsden


Engineering Firms

About Us

We exist to build a cleaner, safer environment. For more than six decades our team has led quality of life projects across the southeast, while maintaining close relationships with the client and the community. CDG has developed:

Clean drinking water systems in cities and communities, Safe sewerage systems to protect the health of people and environment, Environmentally safer streets and highways for people to travel, Landfills to better protect our groundwater and fueling systems, and Systems and designs to protect our environment

When the past practices of our society have created health and environmental hazards, CDG has consistently been there to provide environmental answers to restore contaminated sites and eliminate their risks to people. As our world grows and changes, CDG assists with growth planning and change management consulting to bring new infrastructure technologies into reality.

CCAA Alabama Accredited Chamber of Commerce

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1 Commerce Square
Gadsden, AL 35901
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